Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Time Machine, Drowning, Better Days

Drinking coffee and listening to Blink 182. Another night of intense dreaming. I don't know what is causing it but I hope it goes away soon. It might be lack of food, that is the only thing that has been different lately. I sleep in a basement next to a giant furnace we call "The Time Machine" and my first thought this morning was that thing could easily blow up. It's really old and runs on natural gas. My only hope is the shrapnel would make quick work of the whole thing.

I finished a demo for a new song last night. It is tentatively being called "Drown Beneath Our Feet." The vocal melody was haunting my dreams all night so I guess I did a good job with that. The song is kind of about being buried alive, literally and metaphorically. But it is based on a dream I had a while back where I fell through the ice in a frozen lake. Every person who I thought cared about me was standing around the hole that I was trying to crawl out of and they just stared. Completely indifferent to whether I got out or not. Needless to say I woke up very pensive.

I leave you with the song that was my gateway song into gloom at a young age. I haven't had apple juice in a long time. Mmm...

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